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Post Secondary Support

Post Secondary Counseling and Support

The college-going culture present in every Mapleton high school is supported in part by the work of Mapleton's Post Secondary Options Coaches. Post Secondary Options Coaches work with students from the first day of their freshman year to the day they receive their diploma, providing the tools students need to apply to the colleges and universities of their choice and access to the scholarships and resources needed to get there. 


A total of 22 credits, 40 hours of volunteering, a sophomore project, financial literacy, and a capstone project are required for graduation. A credit is defined as the amount of credit given for the successful completion of a course. Students must complete specific credits in twelve prescribed categories to meet Mapleton Public Schools graduation requirements. Successful completion means that the student obtained a passing grade for the course, which is the equivalent of a “C-” or better.


Subject Area                                                                  Credits Required                                                                                  

English                                                                                      4       credits                                                                                          

Mathematics                                                                            3       credits                                                         

*all credits must be in Algebra 1 (9th grade) or higher   


Science                                                                                      4      credits                                                         

*at least 2 credits must be lab-based 


Social Studies                                                                           3       credits                                                         

*social studies credit must include: 0.50 Civics/Government and at least 1.0 full credit in U.S. History or World History 


Foreign Language                                                                   1       credit 


*1.0 credit must be in the same language

Physical Education                                                                  1       credit 


*0.50 credit must be in Health and 0.50 must be in PE


Art                                                                                              0.50   credit


Technology                                                                               0.50   credit


Senior Capstone                                                                       0.50    credit

A capstone is the culminating exhibition of a student’s project or experience that demonstrates academic and intellectual learning.


Academic Electives                                                                  5.5     credits

The remaining credits may be earned in any academic area listed, or AFJROTC, foreign languages, computer science, art, music, or drama. Also acceptable are college credits earned based on concurrent enrollment programs or International Baccalaureate courses   



College and Career Readiness Demonstration - Starting with the class of 2022

AP - Advanced Placement

Math - score of 2 or higher



English - score of 62 or higher on Reading Comprehension

Math - score of 61 or higher on Elementary Algebra



English - score of 18 or higher 

Math - score of 19 or higher



English - score of 430 or higher 

Math - score of 460 or higher

Monica Johnson
Post Secondary Options Coach

Want to Meet? Schedule an appointment using my Bookings Page!